In 2021, after many years of artistic inactivity, I had a chance meeting with a member of a local art group that was displaying its members’ work at a fundraising event. As a result of this, I joined the group at its next weekly meeting. I had done some work with pastels in the distant past, so picked up this medium again, in its different forms. At this point, I found that I could produce works with pastel pencils that I wouldn’t have thought possible before. My first work with the chalky pencils was my son’s family boxer dog, Beau. It seemed that I had found a medium that liked me! Thus, I continued to develop my skills in this area, and produce more detailed, realistic drawings.

Demonstrating the acrylic ‘Bloom’ technique, making coasters at an exhibition
In 2022, the art group’s annual ‘Summer Challenge’ was to produce some work in a medium that we had never used before. I had been intrigued by the YouTube videos I had seen on ‘Acrylic Pouring’ so tried this as my new medium. I was instantly hooked! After producing works using the standard pouring methods, I developed into applying the more complex ‘Bloom’ technique.

This is my studio (Cabin) where most of the acrylic work is done. Outside, you can see a display of some of the artworks and coasters, along with other items that can be made from the by-products of the blooms and pours, including, jewellery, fridge magnets and keyrings.
I am based in Rochford, Essex, UK.